Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Giveaway Winners!

..The.Winners.Are.Being.Announced... Isn't this exciting! Before I proceed I would like to tell all of you that I thoroughly enjoyed this. It was so much fun. So on the first day of Summer, I am ending my giveaway and going to make someone's day!!

Bethany won this card set!

Rachel won this one! (there were two Rachel's who entered, it was no. 13 who won!)

Royal Daughters of the King won this Beautiful ring. (personally, it's my favorite ring Jordan has available!!!=D)

And last but not least- Kiley from Click and Capture won!
(one of my fav photo blogs!!!)

Well, that wasn't too bad, was it! I can't wait to hear from ya'all!!!


  1. Man! its happened to me 2 times now! AhhhH! i keep thinking its me!! theres always another "rache;" in a giveaway! hahah sadness, but Yay for that Rachel!

  2. Yay! Congratulations to those who won! You did a great job with the give away Ashlyn! God bless your day!


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