We went Ice skating last
Thursday. Above: Me Skating
Note: Most all the pics are taken by my grandma...

I fell two times... the cam had to take a picture JUST THEN=-)!!!
Grandpa told me that he wanted me to try to spin. I can do wide circles-that's it!!! Anyway, I took off- him watching me, thinking I was going to try it.(which I wasn't!!!)
So I get to the other side of the rink, and there was a bunch of bumpy spots... then it happened..
I did a complete circle, a real good one (if I had meant to do it). almost caught my balance, spinned again halfway, and fell on my knees.
Get back to where they were, and Grandpa goes: "You did a good job, but you fell."
And I replied: "I didn't mean to even do it!!!"

Ellie, known for her facial expressions

me (a weird smile)!!!

Olivia- looking at her skates I guess...

Me and Olivia

Ellie- they have little walker things to help.


Ellie (again) with Olivia in the background- with the pink skirt, tan
coat, blue hat.

Me helping "O" get started. After the first hour, she was going GREAT!!!
~ for the fun of it~ 
Blurry pic. of Olivia: kinda hard to take a pic. when their skating!!!


a totally weird pic

"hey everyone- this is my coat! thought
y'all wanted to see it! Don't I have the coolest coat EVER??? Yea, I think so...
Personally I thought your coat was just way cool, so naturally I had to take a pic of it. The pictures turned out really good. Especially the one of someone's eye, Olivia's weird face, and of course your awesome coat.